The Bridge Wrocław
M Moment - Water

M Moment - Water

Each MGallery hotel creates a truly unique and enchanting experience. M Moment is therefore a unique experience for Guests who want to celebrate a special moment or create new, unique memories. To meet the expectations of our Guests, we offer private cruises on a luxurious yet intimate yacht. The journey starts from the "Na Ostrowie" marina adjacent to the hotel.

Depending on the option selected, it lasts 60 or 120 minutes.

It is possible to book a cruise at any time - depending on the availability of the vessel. Breakfast on a yacht with the city coming to life, or maybe a romantic dinner at sunset? The choice is yours.

60 minutes

120 minutes

2 Guests

2 Guests

A bottle of prosecco

A bottle of prosecco

A basket of snacks

A basket of snacks

900 PLN

1800 PLN

To reserve your M Moment, please contact our reservation department.

Reservations required 24 hours in advance.

M:; T: +48 71 72 73 100

Plac Katedralny 8
50-329 Wrocław, Poland

T: +48 71 72 73 100

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