The Bridge Wrocław
Festive season 2024/2025

Festive season 2024/2025

We invite you to celebrate the Christmas and New Year period with your family and friends in The Bridge style! Our team has created a package of extraordinary culinary surprises and a rich entertainment program. At The Bridge MGallery Wroclaw hotel, we will make sure that you end 2024 with unique memories. The festive mood will last until the date in the calendar changes to 2025.


- Goose festival from November 7th to November 21st 

- Festive menu at the Craft restaurant available from the beginning of November

- Festive lunches and dinners for business groups at the Craft restaurant from November 25th to December 20th

- Christmas menu at the Craft restaurants from December 24th to December 29th

- New Year's dinner at the Craft restaurant on December 31st and New Year's brunch on January 1st, 2025 


If you have any additional questions, our team is at your disposal by phone: +48 71 72 73 102 or e-mail:

(Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)


Plac Katedralny 8
50-329 Wrocław, Poland

T: +48 71 72 73 100

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